Partnerships and External Relations

7.1 The CSO has a Policy that Encourages Healthy Networking with Others in its Operating Environment

The CSO has a statement of intent or policy of encouraging healthy and productive networking with other actors in its operating environment. This is to encourage learning and adoption of best practices and to create a culture of resource sharing with positive collaboration and synergy for all. The CSO cooperates with other actors on common agendas; e.g. advocacy for policies governing the sector. This should however not limit, prevent or stifle healthy competition that allows individual growth and improvement in the sector and a continuous search for quality and operational excellence.

7.2 The CSO has Policies to Develop Useful Partnerships and Manage External Relationships

The CSO has policies and procedures in place to enable it cultivate and grow useful relationships with all its development partners and other organisations. The CSO partners and networks with like-minded organisations and complements their activities. The CSO learns from the experiences of networking and collaboration with other organisations.

7.3 The CSO has Clear Guidelines that Proactively Prevent and Address Unhealthy Competition Among its Close/Immediate Publics

The CSO has guidelines that it applies to encourage fair treatment of all its members and stakeholders without
compromising its purpose for existence. The roles and responsibilities of all are spelt out and adhered to in the implementation of the organisation’s governance and operational mandate. These roles and responsibilities are reviewed and communicated as necessary for the optimal realization of the organisation’s mission, set goals and objectives. Where a CSO is a network it strives to represent the collective voice of the organisation without bias to any one segment of the organisation. Guidelines and polices are clear on the roles and responsibilities of each actor. Mechanisms are in place to ensure consultations, review and provision of relevant information on these guidelines and policies as necessary across the network.

7.4 The CSO has Clear Guidelines to Address Conflicts between the Organisation and Others

The CSO has a policy and procedures for managing and resolving conflict between itself and others.

7.5 The CSO has a Database of the Organisation and all Stakeholders

The CSO maintains a regularly updated database. The database provides information on its members; staff and their competencies; donors; current and previous projects; reports and other key documents. This is intended to facilitate sharing of information for programme planning and implementation. Except for confidential information which should be protected, any other information that could contribute to the greater good of society should be available for public viewing and use as needed.

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