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Appointment, Training and Certification of Assessors

This section describes how assessors will be selected and how they will receive testing and Viwango assessor training prior to being assigned as a member of an assessment team.

Assessor Cadre

The Viwango will maintain a cadre of individuals trained and certified to perform assessments of CSO’s in Kenya. This cadre will be the source from which assessment teams will be assembled and scheduled to complete assessments on need basis.

Viwango will maintain and update a database of suitably experienced, skilled and accredited assessors.


Becoming a certified Viwango assessor involves a multi-stage process beginning with completion of an application including identification of areas of expertise, training, and satisfactory completion of an assessor certification test. Viwango will invite individuals and nominations of individuals from certified CSOs.

The following qualifications are a prerequisite for application as a Viwango assessor.

  •  An advanced degree in organisational development or a relevant social science.
  • A minimum of five years of experience in a senior management position of a certified CSO.
  • Prior experience in CSO capacity building or organisational capacity assessment.
  • Up-to-date knowledge of current trends in CSO capacity development including legislative requirements
  • Able to provide two references regarding his or her qualifications from 2 CSOs.
  • Have no conflict of interest as regards any aspect of Viwango that might prevent objective review and assessment of a CSO.
  • Have accurate and efficient record keeping skills
  • Have excellent communication skills at all organisational levels in the workplace
  • Be self motivated, honest, firm, fair, and systematic in approach to work
  • Must be able and willing to serve as a neutral observer.

As a condition of their appointment, the assessors are required to:

  1. Attain accreditation as a Viwango assessor by attendance at, and successful completion of Viwango accreditation assessor training course.
  2. Sign a declaration of potential conflicts of interest and a confidentiality agreement before each and every accreditation assessment is undertaken.
  3. Undertake orientation to the process of assessment subsequent to certification, usually by accompanying an experienced and senior team leader on assessments.
  4. Maintain a sound knowledge and interest of developments in CSO capacity development.


All assessors will be required to attend and complete a Viwango assessor training and be accredited by Viwango prior to participating in any assessment. Assessor training is conducted to ensure that all members of the assessor cadre uniformly and consistently administer the principles of Viwango in all assessments. Training addresses the means of validating compliance with the KSCO standards and appropriate interaction with CSO personnel during planning, assessment, and post assessment activities. Assessor training is not intended to provide assessors education in the principles of CSO management and governance, as they are expected to already possess that knowledge as a pre-requisite to assessor training.

Testing and accreditation

Assessors will be given a written test at the end of the training. Those who successfully complete the assessor training and examination are provided forms to request they be part of the assessor cadre, in which they are asked to commit to serving on at least one assessment team in a one-year period. Assessors are then contacted by Viwango to determine their availability to serve on assessment teams. After an assessor has served on at least one assessment, he or she will be accredited as a Viwango assessor. Accreditation will be valid for one 2 years, after which assessors may be required to attend refresher training and renew their certificates.
Ufungamano House, Mamlaka Road, Nairobi

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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