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Kenya Civil Society Organisation Code of practice

This Code of Practice is one of three booklets that have been produced and should be read and used in tandem. The second booklet, the Kenya Civil Society Organisations Standards defines the minimum requirements or benchmarks a CSO commits to adhere to, and be measured against. The third, the Kenya Civil Society Organisation-Organisational Capacity Assessment Tool helps CSOs to reflect and measure at a particular moment in time, how they are performing against the set standards and practices to determine a plan for self-improvement.

By signing up to the Code of Practice, adhering to the set quality Standards and using the OCA Tool, it is hoped, that organisations will experience continuous improvement. It is expected these three booklets will act as a catalyst for CSOs’ quest for excellence, quality programming, organisational sustainability and greater recognition. CSOs in Kenya are encouraged to sign up to this Code of Practice.

Access the document here>> Kenya Civil Society Organisation Code of practice


Ufungamano House, Mamlaka Road, Nairobi

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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