4.1 CSO has an Organisational Strategic Plan Developed in a Participatory and Inclusive Manner
The CSO has a Strategic Plan developed in a participatory and inclusive manner. All relevant stakeholders are consulted and involved in the process as needed. The Strategic Plan is understood by the CSO members and is available for public information.
4.2 Has a Well Developed and Budgeted Work Plan to Inform Implementation
The CSO has a work plan highlighting the objectives, strategies, activities, performance indicators, activity
linked budget, timelines for implementation, assumptions, responsible persons for performance an
means of performance verification. The work plan is shared with members, relevant stakeholders especially the board or governing committee, staff members, government agencies, beneficiaries and donors to ensure effective implementation and accountability. There is evidence of capacity to plan and implement programmes. There is a framework for the implementation of work plans and its review. The work plan implementation is monitored regularly and further resources committed upon demonstration of good performance from the activity implemented. Regular, timely and accurate reporting on progress to the responsible team/person/authority is done before further resources are sought or committed. The work of the CSO is distinct and avoids duplication of effort by seeking collaboration with other relevant organisations. Adjustments are made on the planned activities and resource allocation based on reliable evidence gathered.
4.3 Monitoring and Evaluation System
The CSO has a stated intent, policy and system for monitoring; evaluation and researching evidence – based interventions. The policy encourages the identification and documentation of best practices, lessons learned opportunities, innovations, challenges and solutions, to inform or guide programme and project design and implementation. The CSO has a monitoring and evaluation plan that guides and informs the operations of the organisation. The organisation considers the effects and impact of its programmes and activities and adjusts appropriately based on reviews and lessons learned. The policy and plan are reviewed regularly and shared
as appropriate for planning, resource mobilization and programme implementation. Monitoring and evaluation is a function of the members, management, staff, the board, actively involving participation of all programme partners. The organisation shares its findings with others in the sector and learns from best practice. Lessons learned are used for improving resource mobilization and program interventions or activities.
4.4 Produces and Shares with its Stakeholders Comprehensive Reports as Per Statutory and Operational Requirements
Reports are prepared and shared with stakeholders highlighting the character of the organisation, its operations and activities. Both financial and narrative reports are available for scrutiny by any relevant stakeholder including donors and government agencies.
4.5 Has a Clear and Established Feedback Mechanisms for its Stakeholders
The CSO has established and functional feedback procedures that encourages ‘talk back’ including the soliciting and receipt of views, opinion, ideas, and suggestions for improvement as well as receiving and responding to complaints. The mechanism is secure and trustworthy enough to encourage all feedback without undue risk or harm to anyone. Communication flows between all parts and levels of the organisation.
4.6 Systems Exist for Management of Information and for Reviewing Performance
The CSO has systems in place to manage information and knowledge. Systems exist for reflection, reviewing performance and auditing the work of the organisation.
4.7 Has Programmes and Activities that are Relevant; Encourage Participation; Ownership; and, Demonstrate Impact
The CSO programmes and activities are cost effective; managed efficiently and fit within the strategic plan, stated goals and objectives. There is evidence of programme relevance; stakeholders’ involvement in strategic planning;community ownership; and empowerment. There is a system for assessing and evaluating the impact of programme activities. The work of the organisation is aligned to the national; district or divisional development plans. The CSO also contributes to the global development agenda.